Como Nova (Wylie 68)

Como Nova (formerly Jade) is a highbred performance yacht designed by Tom Wylie and built by us in 2000. Her classic lines and fast hull make her a beautiful, exciting boat. The hull was made from 5086 and 5083 aluminum alloy. The deck, pilot house, and interior were made using modern composite materials. Sadly, the 5083 plate used in the hull was a defective alloy supplied by the aluminum vender. It was found that more than 350 boats built by at least 50 builders used this aluminum. Most of these boats were taken out of service and sent to the scrap yard. We made it our mission to save this beautiful boat and give her a new life.
The original owner sailed Jade to Alaska and Mexico proving her systems and performance. When it was discovered the boat had been built with the defective metal, he negotiated a settlement and stepped away. It has been a long journey to save Jade, but we brought her back to life with a new outer skin and finish. She now has a new owner who changed her name to Como Nova, Portuguese for "as new." Como launched in July of 2014!

The full story of Jade and Como Nova was compiled by Dan Spurr in an article Jade Resurrected for the December/January 2015 issue of Professional BoatBuilder.